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Invoking Our Potential

There's a quote by Confucius which goes "He who says he can and he who says he cannot are both usually right." In life, most of our successes and failures can be traced back to this idea. The idea that if you think something, if you believe in it, and you believe in your capacity to achieve it, then it will happen. That your thought is a physical thrust towards manifestation in this universe.

If at a very deep level you know that you have a talent or skill OR you consciously seek out the knowledge to improve yourself in that area, success must come. There is no other way. You see, the universe follows the path of least resistance. And it will express itself through those individuals who provide that path. You become such an individual through your beliefs and actions, whether that entails deeply knowing your abilities or seeking to improve them. Both types of knowledge have inherent manifesting power.

Success takes the path of least resistance. Set yourself up for success - tune your mind and constantly look to learning for improvement. Become the conduit and live your life in full expression of your maximum potential.

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