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5 Minute Journal

Today, Lakshmi and I came across an amazing tool for staying happy and starting the day on a positive note during our morning coffee. Many times when we first wake up in the morning, we're flooded with a deluge of thoughts and items for our to-do list. By spending 5 minutes every morning reflecting on things that we are grateful for, listing our priorities for the day, and expressing what would make today great, we radically change our position from being controlled by the day to taking charge of the day. And who doesn't want to feel that first thing in the morning?

To accomplish this, you can use a tool called 5 Minute Journal:

It's available both as an app and a physical diary, and we highly recommend you go for the latter. The first thing many of us do after waking up is to check our phones and be greeted by a number of emails and other action items. In this case having an app might only cause you more stress, while a physical journal allows you to streamline your thoughts without externals as well as improve your writing (since many of us only type these days).

With the right channeling, our mind can become a powerful tool for achieving success in inner and outer worlds.

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